Perform freezing as a Spell to Freeze ans Enemy (either a man or a woman)
And is that, this ritual is so powerful that it can make the enemy desist and stop trying to attack us or bother us IMMEDIATELY. So, do not hesitate to cast the Spell to Freeze Enemies if you feel or thin you need.
A glass (either plastic or crystal or normal glass). You may also find a small jar, with or without a lid, useful in place of the glass.
Salt(whatever you usually use in your kitchen, it doesn't necessarily have to be sea salt).
A pinch of black pepper(either ground or in grains).
A few drops of vinegar.
A few drops of lemon or lime.
To begin, place in front of you the glass and insert INSIDE the empty glass the photograph of he person or the slip of paper with their full name.
If you didn't know their name you can just write something that identifies them, e.g. The person who attacks me, My annoying neighbor, etc.
If what you want to freeze is a situation that makes you uncomfortable, you must do it in the same way,
inserting the paper with the slip of paper where you have written what you want to freeze.
It is very important that while that while you introduce the paper or the photo inside the glass, visualize that you are really introducing the person you want to freeze.
To do this, you can close your eyes to better imagine it.
Next, we will make use of the rest of the ingredients of this spell.
To do this, you must introduce inside the glass(leaving the paper or the photo at the bottom) the following ingredients in this order:
A few tablespoons of Salt (3 or 5 tablespoons).
A pinch of black pepper (just for color).
A few drops of vinegar .
And a few drops of lemon or lime.
When you have all the ingredients inside the glass, say the following phrase out loud.
(you can adapt it for your situation):