L I L I T H – The Name
Babylonian: "Lilitu" = "spirit of the air" or "sylph".
(This can be linked to words like “air/wind/breath/inspiration". I see a close link to the rune "ansuz" which also means air/wind/breath/inspiration. This rune is also a symbol for the Germanic Divine family of the Aesir, and especially of Odin, the highest and mightiest God of the Germanic people).
Kanaanites: "Ba'lat" = "the Great Mistress/Arbitress". So here she is linked to the Great Goddess and she seems to be some kind of Mother Goddess or Creatrix.
Hebrew and Arabic: "lajil/layla" = "the Dark One/ the Black One".
Some people call her "vampyr" or "Venus aversa"

Also: "wind of the night" or even "protecting wind" - So Lilith is a Goddess of the Night.
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