Yellow Candle
A photo of the other person
A red envelope and paper
Rose petals
With this Ritual you will able to conquer a person who abandoned us. Take note of the steps to follow so you can cast the spell without problems.
We will start the spell by lighting the yellow candle.
It doesn't matter where we cast this spell, it doesn't need to be at a specific place or time.
Then you are going to write on the photograpg the full name of the person you want to conquer.
Place inside the envelope the photograph, the letter you have written and 12 rose petals.
Close the envelope and say the following words: "Energies that help us, I ask that the person I love comes to me. "
While saying them you have to hold the envelope with both hands.
We finish the love spell by sealing the letter with wax from the candle, it has to be totally closed and only the person we love will be able to open it once he/she declares his/her love to us.
In a few days you will see the effects of the love spell with yellow candle, remember that you must know the other person and have a friendly relationship with him/her.
This spell is unique and powerful, so always do it when your feelings are true for the other person.