Night of Hecate


Night of Hecate

December 16th is a time to celebrate and honor Hecate, Goddess of the Hags or Wisewomen to the Greeks.
Typically this night is celebrated beginning at sunset by leaving a supper of mushrooms and honey, goats' milk cheese, milk and bread at a crossroads.
It is said that Hecate blesses those who leave her an offering tomorrow night.

Hecate’s Incense Recipe

Hecate's Night is the night that she roams the earth with her hounds.

This is also the night that new initiations are made for Witches who follow her.

To honor Hecate, burn this incense at a crossroads, or at any ritual space during this Waning Moon. 🌖🌗🌘

3 pinches sandalwood
2 pinches cypress or pine
1 pinch peppermint Burn this alongside your food offering.

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