A ritual to dedicate your life to Lilith




A ritual to dedicate your life to Lilith! This is a profound and personal commitment. Please approach with sincerity and respect. Here's a suggested ritual:
1. Set up a quiet, peaceful space for the ritual.
2. Gather materials: a black candle, a red rose, a small mirror, and a piece of paper.
3. Fast or abstain from worldly activities for a day to focus your intentions.
1. Light the black candle, symbolizing the unknown and Lilith's power.
2. Hold the red rose, representing passion, love, and devotion.
3. Gaze into the mirror, acknowledging your own power and the divine feminine within.
4. Write your declaration of dedication on the paper, stating your intention to commit to Lilith's principles and embody her qualities.
5. Read your declaration aloud, sealing your commitment.
6. Burn the paper, symbolizing the transformation of your intentions into action.
7. Close the ritual by thanking Lilith for her guidance and protection.
*After the Ritual*
1. Embody Lilith's qualities: courage, sovereignty, passion, and wisdom.
2. Cultivate self-love, self-care, and self-empowerment.
3. Honor your commitment through daily practices, such as meditation, journaling, or creative expression.
4. Seek guidance from Lilith through dreams, intuition, or divination.
Remember, dedicating your life to Lilith is a personal journey. Be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself as you walk this path. May Lilith's power and wisdom guide you.

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